The Elephant & The Dog - Ancient Indian Story

Long ago, before the time of this story, people in Asia used to believe that there would never be a time when an elephant and a dog would become friends. For elephants simply did not like dogs, and dogs were afraid of elephants. When dogs are frightened by those who are bigger than they are, they often bark very loudly to cover up their fear. And it is by doing so every time they encountered an elephant, that the elephant would become antagonized & would chase them; for elephants had no patience at all when it came to dogs. Even if a dog were quiet and still, any nearby elephant would instinctively attack him on sight. This is the reason why everybody agreed that elephants and dogs were "natural enemies", like lions and hyenas or bears & wolves. So once upon a time, there was a Royal Bull Elephant who was very well fed and cared for. In the neighbourhood of the elephant shed; there lived a scrawny, poorly fed, stray dog. He was attracted by the smell of the...