The Geisha And The Priest - A Zen Story

"Running water never goes stale, so you just have to keep on flowing." - Bruce Lee Once upon a time, a certain Zen priest was having his dinner at a banquet in the Old Capital of Kyoto . The banquet was being served by a geisha who, was so elegant & graceful, and skillful in serving her guests that he suspected that she might have some degree of Zen training. This humble speculation sparked his curiosity, and thus he decided to test her. So he nodded to her to signal her over, to which she she came down the steps and gently sat down in front of him & bowed. That is when the Zen priest said: "I would like to give you a present." To which the girl replied: "I would be most honoured!" Now, on the table between them; is a Hibachi grill , which are little braziers/containers where by hot charcoal is kept. So he moved the charcoal within the little furnace around using a pair of iron chopsticks & picked out a piece, as vibrant red as the setti...