The Three Old Friends - A Taoist Story


Once upon a time, there were three old friends. They were all scholars leading busy lives, but they all made it a point to meet once a year to make sure they would always stay in touch with one another. But this time, the gathering felt different. They were all getting old and starting to feel their age. 

Sensing this, the first scholar remarked: "We are all here together this year, enjoying each other's company..... But who can say with certainty if we will all be able to come back and be together again next year?".

The second scholar laughed: "Next year? I think you may be looking too far ahead and assuming too much. Today I am alive, but who can say with certainty if tomorrow I will open my eyes to greet another day?".

They turned to the third scholar, who had been quiet. He looked up to them thoughtfully, and said: "Tomorrow? My friends, as I sit here with you, I do not know if each breath I draw will be my last. Who can say with certainty, if one breath will be followed by another?". 

Thanks for reading!

Yours Sincerely,

Satori Café

(This is a short story by Derek Lin, about being grateful for who we have in our lives, RIGHT NOW)



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