The Hidden Beauty of Window Staring

"Open the window of the mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights and new truths to enter."    

-Amit Ray 

For the most of us, as being adults working in a relentlessly fast-paced occupation, in a society that craves productivity as form of fuel source, we may, at one point or another, ridicule ourselves for spending "a little too much time" standing & staring outside the window. 

We tend to beat ourselves up for having a short break in front of the world, presented to us through a thin layer of super-heated infused sand, soda ash, & limestone when we should be focusing on our projects or studies that are on today's to-do list.  

Often times, we tend to equate window staring as a form of boredom, procrastination, distraction or daydreaming, for the act of cupping your chin in your hands near a pane of glass and letting your eyes drift into the distance does not seem to gather high prestige or positive recognition. 

But perhaps there is a certain degree of grace that we have missed in doing so, as there is a beauty to it that resonates deeply with the windows in our soul as well. 

Now paradoxically, the very act of staring outside our windows is not to observe the very happenings of the outside world, but rather, as a way to discover the utter richness of our inner world. Window Staring, thus becomes a form of exercise that helps us to uncover the inner workings of our mind. 

Because deep down, we tend to think that we know ourselves thoroughly. That what we think, how we feel or what we desire are solely created & controlled masterfully through the use of our conscious will. However, such notion is in actuality rather far from it. 

For there is a vast expanse of the mind that makes up who we are that circulates unexplored and unused, with its potential unknown and probably limitless. This unconscious part of us is often shy and does not reveal itself through the pressure of direct questioning. 

Thus, if done correctly, staring out of the window offers us a medium that allows us to listen to, to understand & to comprehend the unique whispers & perspectives of our deeper selves.  

By allowing ourselves to periodically inject moments of purpose-free calm into our lives, window staring, or rather, the art of purposeful daydreaming then becomes a form of healing meditation that allows us to fully embrace our inner minds. 

When we stare outside a window, we are not focusing or analyzing the outside world, but rather observing it silently, detach from it. We allow the bustling traffic & pedestrians on their missions go about their day unhindered. Letting the birds fly and the gentle breeze flow, watching the plane go by amidst the cloud's flow. 

And it is in doing so, that the more tentative parts of ourselves have a chance to be heard. 

Ultimately, although the benefits of daydreaming may never be recognized by a society whose made productivity its primary obsession, some of our greatest insights only come when we stop trying to be purposeful and instead learn to surrender to the creative, yet unexplainable potential that resides within us.  

You could say that window daydreaming is a strategic act of rebellion against the excessive demands of immediate (but ultimately insignificant) pressures of our lives – in favor of the quirky, but very serious, search for the wisdom of the unexplored deep self.

Thanks for reading!

Yours Sincerely,

Satori Café


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