The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice - Greek Mythology

Orpheus was the son of Apollo and Calliope, one of the Nine Muses. A talented musician, he played the lyre to such perfection that even Apollo himself was amazed. Nothing could resist his music, neither mortals nor Gods.
The young man fell in love with Eurydice, a woman of unique beauty, with whom he married & lived happily for a short time. However, one day, when Eurydice was wandering in the forest, a shepherd saw her and was beguiled by her beauty. He made advances towards her and began to chase her when she attempted to flee.
As Eurydice ran through the forest, she was tragically bitten by a snake and died instantly. Orpheus expressed his grief with his lyre and the gods were deeply touched. Apollo advised his son to descend to Hades, the underworld realm of the dead to seek his wife. Any other mortal would have died attempting this journey, but Orpheus was protected by the Gods.
After many adventures, Orpheus presented himself in front of the God of The Underworld, Hades and his wife Persephone, and started playing the lyre to appease them. Even Hades' cold heart started melting when he heard the divine music.
He eventually told Orpheus that he could take Eurydice with him under one condition: the woman would follow him out of the caves of the Underworld, but HE should not turn to look at her before reaching the light, because if he did, he would lose her forever.
Orpheus was thrilled. He thanked Hades, and started to make his way back to the world of the living. However, not hearing Eurydice's steps, he started to lose faith. Only a few feet away from the exit, Orpheus turned around to look at her. Eurydice was behind him, but her shadow was whisked back among the dead and she was gone forever.
You see, no matter how bleak a situation is, we should never lose hope. We should never lose the faith, be it in yourself, your beliefs or in that even just today or tomorrow might be a little different. Because if we do, the thing that you are seeking may be lost forever. So no matter how hard times are, always remember that you have the power to believe without seeing, for only then do you truly have perfect 20/20 vision. Peace.
Thanks for reading!
Yours Sincerely,
Satori Café
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