The Woodsman And The Trees

Once upon a time, a woodsman came into a forest and made a petition to the trees to provide him a handle for his axe. The Trees, honoured by his civility, acceded to his request; and held a consultation to decide which of them should be given to him.
Without a dissenting voice, they chose the Ash, who it seems; is not a favorite amongst The Trees. Some of them were bold enough to say that bad luck went with the Ash, and that at heart; they were not bound to be in sympathy with woodcutters.
Therefore, the Woodsman cut down the tree (The Ash) and fitted the handle to his axe; then to the dismay of the Trees, he set to work upon them, and with strong strokes, quickly felled all the noblest of giants of the forest.
Lamenting too late of the fate of his companions, an Old Oak remarked to a neighbouring Cedar: "The first step has lost us all. If we had not so willingly given up the rights of The Ash, we might have stood for ages."
You see, if you give up on one of your own kin, sooner or later you will give up on yourself. Similarly, if you give up even just an inch of your freedom, sooner or later; you won't be free anymore. So Always Be Careful of how you treat others as well as yourself.
Thanks for reading!
Yours Sincerely,
Satori Café
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