A Lesson To Man, From A Grain Of Sand - (Tibetan Wisdom)

Did you know that this beautiful & intricate work of art would take days, sometimes even weeks to complete; and as soon as it is finished, the artisans would proceed to destroy it?!

You see, the work of art above is known as a sand Mandala. Sand Mandalas are an ancient, sacred form of artistry in Tibetan Buddhism. They are created through the use of sophisticated, yet alluring geometry that is worked in tandem with beautiful & vibrant coloured sand. In fact, the word "mandala" itself is a Sanskrit word meaning: "circle", with the mandala being the visual & physical representation of life that encompasses us all. The circle of life, if you will. 

But more than just that, the sand mandala also represents the sands of time. This work of art which no doubt is a work by heart symbolizes the concept of impermanence, which is a big word that means: "nothing lasts".

Friendships, relationships, our good looks, careers, status, money & health, etc. Although these are all things that we have or are striving to have, we do not truly own any of them in life. Rather, we only lease it for a short amount of time. 

My advice to everyone (including myself) is to appreciate the people that are still in our life, the places that give us safety & ease and activities that bring us pleasure & peace. Give people the flowers while they can still smell them, and to always feel grateful while holding their hand. Because as the mandala teaches, everything that comes into existence; will eventually go out of existence........Peace...


Thanks for reading!

Yours Sincerely,

Satori Café


  1. what an awesome read, Thank you for your reminder. Really appreciate it.


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